
Integrated Services has been nurtured and nourished by a strong management fundamental where customer & business partner satisfaction is considered the foremost logic.

At Integrated Services we have uniquely aligned ourselves with the needs of vocational technical schools, Polytechnics, and Universities around the world. This is because Integrated Services is guided, not simply by engineers, but by professional educators from Top Universities in INDIA that have years of experience in the field of vocational and Higher Technical education.

Technology Education is vital to economic development and often determines the reach of a country’s upward mobility. Integrated Services philosophy is to design trainers that teach students employable skills that are relevant to supporting the development of technology for industrial and consumer use.

The success of Integrated Services as a business philosophy and a great idea stems from the minds of well-respected individuals who have contributed immensely in guiding Integrated Services over multiple periods of its very existence. Integrated Services core competence has been consistent and in tune with Technical Education thanks to its leadership.